Thank you for visiting LAMBTON DOORS’ website.
LAMBTON DOORS does not collect any personal information such as names, e-mail or postal addresses, or any other type of information unless a visitor submits it voluntarily. It is also important to note that LAMBTON DOORS does not use any techniques to collect personal information without your consent.
During your visit on our website you have the opportunity, in certain places, to send us an e-mail request for additional information or to provide us with your comments. Every e-mail is read, addressed, kept for a certain amount of time and then deleted.
At no time does LAMBTON DOORS provide or sell any personal information submitted on our website to third parties.
During your visit on our website, information other than of a personal nature may be collected automatically. This information assists us in better understanding visitor traffic for the purpose of planning new content. It is possible that certain anonymous statistical data may be collected and transmitted to third parties for analysis. This statistical data does not contain any information that could identify you personally.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information.